These are hand made items, no two are alike. These items are also made almost exclusively without the use of power tools. They are crafted, not machined. So there are small variations from component to component of the item. These variations do not detract from the beauty of the piece, but give it a less “sterile” feeling. They are truly hand made.

Lead times can vary, but it is best to anticipate 2 weeks plus an additional 4 – 5 weeks for shipping. This gives time for a final finish to the piece and construction of a shipping crate.

The most common method for shipping is “White Glove”. The size and potential for damage to a one-of-a-kind item requires the item be crated for delivery. The item will then be shipped to your address and notice will be given for arrival date. When the item arrives it will be removed from the crating and placed in your home or workspace.

If you live within a 400 mile radius of Los Angles there are other options for shipping which may be more economical. Please contact us with any questions.

Dimensions given are accurate but there may be variances of up to 1/8″ on larger items. If you would like me to provide additional specifications I will be happy to do so. Please check to make sure pieces can be fit through all entry and passage ways within your home or office. I cannot offer refunds if an item cannot be placed.

Each piece is fully insured.  Please let me know as soon as possible if any item arrives damaged.


Final & full payment must be made before any piece is shipped. 

All sales are final. If you have any problem with your order you can contact us with any inquires.